Den of Wolves

2020. Video (color, sound), media player, screen or projector. 19 minute seamless loop.
Den of Wolves is a seamlessly-looping video installation drawing on a range of references to weave a new multi-layered mythology. The work follows three bizarre wolves through a series of increasingly surreal retail stores as they search for the regalia of a monarch. Composed of one continuous camera shot, the work is an immersive, dreamlike journey drawing connections between popular culture, institutional authority and technological over-dependence.

A dark room with a large screen at the front, showing a 3D animated scene of a grand, ornate interior with a pack of wolves prowling around. The scene is illuminated by the light coming from the screen, and the sound of the wolves' howls fills the room.

installation view from Den of Wolves, bitforms gallery, NY, 2021

A still from the video art installation showing a wolf and regalia
A still from the video installation Den of Wolves showing a surreal scene of the US Capitol
Still from the contemporary video art installation showing a wolf in a Apple store
Jonathan Monaghans surreal animated video
Red troll creature in video artwork
Video installation at German media festival

installation view from the 35th Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media, Germany, 2022